Role of Picloram, PEG and Sugar Alcohol on Somatic Embryogenesis of Date Palm cv. Barhee Immature Female Inflorescence

Document Type : Researches


1 Tissue Culture Laboratory of Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

2 In vitro Storage Plant and Cryopreservation, National Gene Bank, Agricultural Research Center. Giza. Egypt.

3 The Central Laboratory of Date Palm Researches and Development, Agricultural Research Center, Giza,12619, Egypt.


Among the various explants used to propagate date palm, immature inflorescence has been recently used in a wide range. Somatic embryogenesis approach appears to be a reliable option for mass propagation. However, maturation, germination and plant regeneration from somatic embryos are the main challenges of this approach. This research describes in vitro propagation of date palm ‘Barhee‟ through immature inflorescence. Spiklet explants were removed gently from sterilized spaths and cultured on MS medium supplemented with picloram (1.25, 2.5 and 5mg/l). Within 6 subcultures, the direct somatic embryos and embryonic callus were took place in different treatments at various levels. Embryonic callus were shifted onto maturation medium augmented with sorbitol, mannitol and PEG at 5, 10 and 15g/l to record their impact on embryonic callus growth and somatic embryo formation. Subsequently, somatic embryo clusters formed previously were cultured on germination medium with the same concentrations of osmoticum types to form healthy shoots. Paclobutrazol and sucrose at different levels and combinations were added to rooting medium to improve root system. The highest percentages of direct somatic embryos and embryonic callus were achieved on 5mg/l picloram. The addition of PEG to maturation medium at 10 g/l maximized somatic embryo numbers, while mannitol at 15 g/l encouraged significantly the embryonic callus fresh weight. On germination and multiplication stage, mannitol was found to be more effective in the case of shoot formation. PBZ-enriched medium has the positive effect on root formation. Healthy rooted plantlets were successfully transferred to greenhouse conditions with higher survival percentage.
