Aim :
The magazine aims to publishing the most respectable (prestigious) scientific researches and articles in the field of palms with different types and varieties, whether date palm, oil palm , ornamental palm, wax palm ... etc. through the chapters and arbitrators specialized in all the fields concerning the palms from Arab counters and the world.
In order to develop the care and awareness of the palms and protection and increase the use of its out puts, whether direct or indirect to improve and develop it.
Scope :
As we can see with the current developments locally and globally and increasing investment and interest in palm, this magazine was established by the Egyptian Scientific Society for Palms (ESSP) to be the first Egyptian scientific magazine specialized in the field of palm works to publish researches and scientific articles and relevant topics through various sections like Climate - Environment - Agriculture and Practices - Pests and diseases - propagation and development - Manufacturing processes - Marketing and export.
Development of agricultural field practices, integrated management for pests and disease, manufacturing processes, packaging and storage, through researches and articles that will contribute to the advance and improvement of production and protect it from waste and reduce the losses as well as improving marketing processes. This magazine will be the window of specialists to present these new ideas and trends.
Not in this order but journal topic will be:
Palm cultivars and verities.
Palm horticulture and Agriculture practices.
Palm in ornamental and landscape.
Palm pests and diseases.(control)
Palm products (dates – oil – wax – dome …etc) use, manufacturing …etc.
Palm tissue culture and development. (biotechnology)
Palm processing and secondary products.
Nutrition and food.
Animal feed.
Palms Economic and agricultural extension.
This is the first proposal for titles and can be modified after a period of time.