Biological control of three main-insect pests of date palm fruits using Trichogramma evanescens (West.) parasitoid in date palm farms in the Dakhla region, New-Valley Governorate, Egypt.

Document Type : Scientific articles


1 Date palm pests &diseases Department-central laboratory for date palm Agricultural Research center (ARC),

2 Department of Date Palm Horticulture, Central Laboratory for Date Palm, Agricultural Research Center, ARC, Giza, Egypt.


Date palm crop in New-Valley Governorate, Egypt, is given great importance as a basic economic crop, which is affected by many pests that reduce the quantity and quality of the crop. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of biological control of three important insect pests that affect date palm fruits in three date palm cultivars at El-Dakhla, New-Valley Egypt, using the parasitoid Trichogramma evanescens West. .The effect of releasing T. evanescens on the infestation percentages of the three insects under study, as well as the reduction rate in the infestation% over two consecutive 2023 and 2024 years. The results showed that the percent of infestation with the three tested insects (Aphomia sabella, Batrachedra amydraula, and Deudorix livia) was significantly decreased with increasing number of checks from the 1st to the 5th and number of parasitoid releases from the 1st to the 3rd, where it reached the lowest value in the 5th check and after the 3rd release in the three tested palm cultivars (Tamr El Wadi, Siwi, and Sakkoti). On the contrary, the reduction percentages in the infestation by tested insects increased with the increase of checks and parasitoid releases, reaching the highest value in the 5th check and after the 3rd release in the tested cultivars. Attention must be paid to biological control elements of date fruit insects to prevent the use of pesticides that harm humans and environment to obtain date fruits free from infestations and residues acceptable for the local market and export.


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